Backup and restore all your apps in Mac OS

March 23, 2021    macosx mac


This assumes you are installing everything using homebrew as a practice. If you are not doing it already, getting started is as easy as it gets. Some

Search for an app(cli/gui)

brew search <<app>>

To install a cli app

brew install <<cli app>>

To install a GUI app

brew install --cask <<gui app>>

Backup all your apps (cli and gui)

brew bundle dump

This will output a file called Brewfile whose contents will look like the following

tap "dkanejs/aws-session-manager-plugin"
tap "go-delve/delve"
tap "goreleaser/tap"
brew "wget"
brew "youtube-dl"
cask "gimp"
cask "zoom"

You can ship this file anywhere

Restore all your apps (cli and gui)

Go to the directory in which you have your Brewfile and then run

brew bundle

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